provide strong evidence of specific accomplishments [如有特殊獎項可以直接標註]
demonstrate the ability to achieve desire results
attain results without negative side effects
attain results through positive actions.
display strong analytical qualities.
show a strong ability to analyse problems.
very methodical in solving problems.
utilise a variety of analytical techniques to solve problems.
excels in analysing and adjusting work procedures for maximum efficiency
thoroughly analyse conditions and reaches independent decision.
effective in analysing relevant information
excel in analytical thinking
communicate openly, forcefully and effectively
communicate with credibility and confidence
improve the effectiveness of communications and interactions with others.
provide an intellectual atmosphere conductive to the stimulation and interchange of ideas
excel in communicating with individuals and small groups.
conduct meetings that achieve results.
demonstrate strong committee procedures and techniques.
keep other departments informed of developments affecting their function.
make appropriate use of formal and informal communication.
encourage open communication to achieve mutual understanding
prevent unproductive responses.
carry proper telephone techniques and etiquette.
effective organisaiton of ideas for logical presentation and acceptance.
demonstrate a high level of expertise.
highly skilled in all phases of job.
excel in operational skills
maximise personal strengths.
display a high level of technical competence.
effectively blend management skills with technical expertise.
combine technical competence with dependability and loyalty.
combine technical competence with dependability and loyalty.
possess highly sophisticated skill and strategies.
maximise the benefits of computer technology.
incorporate the latest computer technologies.
identify computer support requirements.
computer literate [電腦技能差強人意]
possess a strong knowledge of computer fundamentals.
keep abreast of new software applications.
keep alert to computer hardware [雖然不是很厲害,但願意學習]
display imaginative insight.
provide valuable insights.
demonstrate creative strength.
successfully develop creative strategies.
continuously experimenting on [加入創意元素]
seek creative alternatives.
challenge conventional practices.
consider innovative possibilities.
excels in creative thinking and problem solving.
create satisfying solution in conformance with organisational polices.
develop creative solutions to problems.
demonstrate a high degree of originality and creatively.
originate and develop constructive ideas.
initiate good conceptual ideas with practical applications.
excel in developing spontaneous ideas.
originate unsought ideas.
seek new ideas and approaches.
promote the flow of good ideas.
receptive to new ideas.
discover new approaches.
maintain a high level of curiosity.
display a strong power of observation.
encourage an environment for creative excellence.
promote an environment conducive to creativity.
tap the creative potential of a group.
promote a creative climate.
display firmness in making decision.
can be relied on to make sound decisions.
make inventive and resourceful decision.
assemble all available facts before making decisions.
seek staff input for decision making.
use the most penetrating and objective evaluation to arrive at decision.
weigh alternative decisions before taking action.
carefully evaluate alternative risks.
exercise a wide range of decision making control.
foresee the consequences of decisions.
communicate decisions with confidence.
demonstrate and ability to effectively influence key decision makers.
make sound decisions under pressure.
concentrate on developing solutions.
develop resourceful solution.
support convictions with sufficient force.
strive to improve decisiveness .
excel in seeking solutions.
delegate to improve organisational effectiveness.
recognise the need to concentrate on people rather than tasks.
recognise the importance of working through subordinates.
demonstrate effective delegation techniques.
give subordinates the authority needed to effectively carry out delegated responsibilities.
delegate with clearly defined responsibility and authority.
provide subordinates with the resources needed to accomplish results.
make effective use of secretarial support.
delegate to evaluate employee potential.
effectively assesses delegation capability.
can be realised upon to meet schedules and deadlines.
fully accept all responsibilities and meet deadlines.
meet logically developed priorities.
achieve result when confronted with major responsibilities and limited resources.
utilise all available resources to achieve results.
can be counted on to achieve results in emergency situations.
display a strong personal commitment to successfully completing all projects.
fulfil all commitments.
can be relied on to successfully complete all assignments.
excel in selecting and developing individual with high potential talent.
recognise development levels and ability levels of staff.
initiate and establish personal growth and career path.
seek personal growth and development.
understand personal strengths and weaknesses.
successful at demonstrating the ability to develop from a specialist to a generalist.
regularly assess the development and effectiveness of subordinates.
inspire subordinates to achieve their fullest potential
excel in developing mutual expectations.
encourage broad development of employees.
deal effectively with different career stages of employees.
display the ability to turn weaknesses into strengths.
turn potential into actin.
develop subordinates into higher achievers.
cultivate strengths of subordinates.
give proper attention to personnel succession planning.
develop qualified successors.
encourage employees to acquire proper skills, attitudes and knowledge.
encourage special preparation and training of personnel.
use a wide variety of training methods.
make effective use of role playing.
improve the skills and develop talents of subordinates.
encourage employees to improve abilities for greater responsibility.
effectively recommend methods to assist subordinates in overcoming weaknesses.
concentrate development on weak areas.
assist subordinates in reaching new levels of skills, knowledge and attitudes.
establish clear and meaningful criteria or standards for effective performance.
clear establish performance objectives and evaluation criteria.
establish credible measurement methods.
effectively and continually evaluate activities, programs and functions.
continuously evaluate techniques and practice.
rate on the basis of performance and not personality.
effectively re-evaluate others without creating resentment or negative responses.
show significant frequency differences in appraising employees.
give recognition to deserving individuals.
understand accomplishments, strengths and weakness of employes.
identify and discusses weakness of staff members.
direct performance appraisals toward the self-improvement of employee.
effectively utilise performance reviews as a motivational tool.
accurately measure and assess employee feedback.
control the quality of the most crucial of all the variables contributing to the realisation of departmental goals and objectives.
excel in planning, forecasting, setting objectives and determining courses of action.
effectively develop individual departmental and organisational goals to obtain objectives.
effectively blend personal goals with organisational objects.
set goals that are compatible with those of the organisation.
excel in formulation goals and plans of action.
clearly establish goals to achieve a significant productive impact.
establish performance targets for both short range and long rage.
set, obtain and manage managerial objectives.
formulate realistic objectives.
effectively determine workable objectives.
encompass every objective valued by the organisation.
effectively communicate objectives.
display a clear vision of goals.
effectively establish truly relevant objectives and performance standards.
display sincerity of ambitions and objectives.
constantly strive to strengthen and refine professional effectiveness.
consistently strive to improve performance.
improve effectiveness by eliminating the confusing.
excel in self-supervision and self-improvement.
develop totally new strategies devises improved means of accomplishing results.
produce changes for the overall improvement of the department.
display a willingness to discuss weaknesses and make improvements.
use constructive criticism to improve performance.
establish goals for improvement of performance targes.
articulate goals for future improvement.
set ambitious growth goals.
work cooperatively toward the identification of areas needing improvements.
clearly identify improvements to be achieved.
work cooperatively toward the identification of areas needing improvements.
see opportunities for self-improvement.
respond favourably to suggested actions for improvement.
display improved potential for advancement.
judicious in carrying out assignments without direction.
excel in self-directing and self-pacing.
demonstrate an ability to think along constructive original lines.
alert to new opportunities, techniques and approaches.
seize all opportunities.
innovate and create new and unique methods and procedures.
effectively apply new concepts and techniques.
continuously find new and better ways of performing job.
extremely active and eager to try new approaches.
display ingenuity in anticipating and meeting unexpected situations.
provide oppotunities for initiative.
gather and provide data in advance of need.
plan and organise with little or no assistance.
take action without undue haste or delay.
have the quality of knowing what has to be done.
take charge in the absence of detailed instructions.
excel in making appropriate judgements.
can be entrusted to use good judgement.
excel in developing new perspectives.
follow a variety of approaches in activities and techniques.
effectively diagnose situations or conditions.
systematically evaluate options in terms of consequences.
consider alternative courses of actin.
displays excellent intuitive judgement.
exercise judgement on behalf of others.
know basic management principles and methods.
possess the knowledge to handle work of the most complex nature.
clearly understand purposes, objectives, practices and procedures of department.
display strong knowledge of responsibilities.
thoroughly undersaand all aspects of job.
understand needs and requirements of job.
possess practical hands-on experience.
display a broad application of knowledge.
exceptionally well informed.
demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of the field.
project self-confidence, authority and enthusiasm.
demonstrate natural leadership abilities.
face problems with confidence and assurance.
inspire confidence and respect.
show appreciation for contributions and achievements.
inspire new employees to become leaders.
effectively maintain leadership in a group environment.
encourage team-building efforts.
display an exceptional ability to learn new methods.
display an ability to learn rapidly and adapt quickly to changing situations.
quickly grasp new routines and explanations.
receptive to new ideas.
keep alert to new learning opportunities.
make effective use of hands-on learning.
benefit from al learning environment.
stimulate curiosity to improve learning.
display absolute loyalty to superiors and to the organisation.
build loyalty in subordinates.
show positive attitudes toward employer and employees.
place organisational interest ahead of personal convenience.
display a renewed sense of purpose.
committed to organisational goals.
display a genuine interest in the organisation.
display a high degree of honesty, loyalty and integrity.
identify relevant and appraisable components of effective management.
accurately assess management effectiveness.
keep management informed on questions of policy.
consistently prepare appropriate recommendations.
keep management informed on questions of policy.
consistency prepare appropriate recommendations.
excel in obtaining management support.
provide management with valid and reliable information for organisational planning.
concerning the strengths and weaknesses of employees.
effectively resolve conflicts between individual needs and requirements of the organisation.
respect both employee rights and management prerogatives.
demonstrate an ability to overcome internal barriers.
effectively solve problems that cross organisational boundaries.
excel in resolving interdepartmental conflicts.
obtain the full support of other departments.
old subordinates accountable for results.
demonstrate superior executive ability under a variety of circumstances.
show those qualities that make a manager forceful and effective.
recognise the difference between managing and doing.
polish and confident speaker.
face any size audience with confidence.
excel in speaking on special occasions.
excel in impromptu speaking situations.
communicate with ease and a natural style.
make presentation with poise and self-confidence.
continuously strive to improve presentation skills.
communicate effectively with well designed materials.
make effective use of charts, graphs, figures and illustrations.
make effective demonstrations.
display strength in negotiating.
make effective use of questions.
present ideas with power and persuasion.
achieve creditability and persuasiveness.
use voice and body to effectively convince and persuade.
make effective use of an extensive vocabulary.
possess superior verbal understanding.
use understandable language that is relevant and meaningful.
eminently clear in verbal expressions.
display clarity in expressing views.
enunciate clearly in a well-modulated voice.
present ideas with power and persuasion.
achieve creditability and persuasiveness.
use voice and body to effectively convince and persuade.
use understandable language that is relevant and meaningful.
eminently clear in verbal expressions.
enunciate clearly in a well-modulated voice.
effectively develop organisational capabilities and integration of objectives.
develop programs to improve the effectiveness of the department and overall operation of the organisation.
build organisational effectiveness.
excel in developing jobs, organisational structure and systems.
keep organisational levels to a minimum.
make the most of organisational energy and potential.
make a substantial contribution to the growth of the organisation.
exert a positive influence on the organisational climate.
deal effectively with organisational climate.
encourage accountability throughout the organisation.
display an organised approach to the job. methodical in planning and performing.
establish strategic plans for future success.
propose plans of action which are timely, and realistic and positive.
plan with a fresh perspective.
plan, organise and complete tasks in the shortest, most efficient manner.
effectily formulate strategies, tactics and action plans to achieve results.
plan appropriate strategies to arrive at solutions.
plan effectively for systematic results.
develop innovative plans and solutions.
meet or exceeds standards for major responsibilities or objectives on time or ahead of schedule.
keep comfortably ahead of work schedule.
translate planning into reality.
effectively establish task priorities.
effectively implement plans with harmony and cooperation.
excel in formulating and executing strategies.
effectively translate ideas into action.
excel in anticipatory management.
create flexible plans to meet changing opportunities.
constantly develop techniques to generate new strategic alternatives.
demonstrate an exceptional mastery of professional skills.
demonstrate professional expertise.
seek a higher degree of professional excellence.
show concern about professional improvement.
sustain a professional growth strategy.
strive to grow professionally through continuous study and participation.
constantly seek to broaden professional horizons.
maintain a high degree of professional participation.
identify and understand personal values of superiors, subordinated, peers, and others.
display a high degree of recognition, acceptance and prestige in dealing with others.
make favourable impression and easily gains acceptance by others.
convey a positive personal image.
excel in obtaining enthusiastic commitments.
gain management commitment.
well accepted by others under difficult circumstances.
work harmoniously and effectively with others.
develop a strong working rapport with others.
develop mutual support. promote relationships of trust and respect.
develop interpersonal trust.
build on mutual dependence and understanding.
covey considerable influence with superiors.
establish credibility with superiors and subordinates.
interact effectively with peers.
excel in sustaining concentration while avoiding confrontations.
working well in cooperating with others for the benefit of the organisation.
extremely resourceful and enthusiastic.
optimise the use of all available resources.
achieve success when conformed with limited resource.
effectively organise, assemble and arrange resources to meet goals.
effectively assess employee resources, strengths and competencies.
achieve maximum time effectiveness.
place a high value on time effectiveness.
distinguish between low and high priority activities.
display a strong sense of priorities.
demonstrate effective allocation of time resources.
concentrate on activities with a high payoff.
concentrate on areas yielding the greatest return.
eliminate tasks which contribute the least to organisational goals.
use systematic methods to accomplish more in less time.
delegate for maximum time effectiveness.
set realistic time goals.
make effective use of peak time periods.
make effective use of supervisor’s time and resources.
maintain control over interruptions.
effectively control telephone, visitors and other time traps.
avoid confusing activities with accomplishement.
demonstrate competence in many areas.
successfully handle multiple projects at the same time.
demonstrate diversified skills.
effectively handle special assignments.
display flexibility in adapting to changing conditions.
extremely valuable in providing back-up support for other jobs.
write letters, memos and reports that command attention and achieve results.
write with remarkable clarity and consistency.
write precisely and effectively.
write to convey a positive impression.
write in a positive manner to reflect favourably upon the organisation.
write reports that achieve maximum impact.
write with persuasion.
demonstrate strong editing skills.
demonstrate creative writing ability.