Part 1: Picture description
photographs of people >>
- look at the photo from a general perspective, ask yourself: where is this? what is happening?
- look more closely at the people, ask yourself : who are these people? what is their job? what is their relationship? what are they doing?
photographs of a scene >>
- look at the photo form a general perspective, ask yourself: where is this? what can you see?
- look more closely and notice any details, ask yourself: what is in the foreground? what is in the background? what is significant about this scene?
photographs of an object>>
- look at the photograph from a general perspective, ask yourself: what is it? where is it?
- look more closely and notice any detail, ask yourself: what is it made of ? what is it used for ?
things to be aware of
>>partially true statement : pay particular attention to key words [ nouns, verb, adjective, and prepositions]
>>similar-sounding words: make sure you listen closely to every words
words with multiple meanings >>
- date [her favourite fruit to eat is a date蜜棗] [Joe took Alexandria out on a date 約會][what is your date of birth日期? ]
- engaged [they got engaged on March 7th.] [the students were very engaged in the presentation. ]
- foil [please wrap the sandwich in aluminium foil.][they learned about the role of a dramatic foil in English class. ]
- leaves [the children love to play in the leaves. ][they do not like when their father leaves for work. ]
- net [ what was your net gain for the year.] [ cabbing is easier if you bring a net along. ]
- point [ the pencil has a sharp point. ] [ it is not polite to point at people. ]
- right [ you were right. ][make a right turn at the light. ][access to clean water is a basic human right. ]
- rose [my favourite flower is a rose.][ he quickly rose from his seat. ]
- type [ he can type over 100 words per minute.][ that guy is really not her type. ]
>>quickly previw the photograph to get a general idea of the context. asking : where is this ? what is happening?
>> examine the photograph in more detail, ask yourself more questions, depending on the type of photograph.
>>listen carefully to all four statement . as you listen, eleminate any statements you are sure are incorrect. to help you elminate incorrect statements.
>> mark your answer then immediately move on and preview the next photograph.
part 2 : Questions & Responses
>>information questions
- when can we begin?
- where’s the post office?
- how are you today?
2. questions with WHAT?
- asking about things, name, actions, ideas, and definitions. e.g. what are you thinking about? e.g. what did Cathy say to you? e.g. what’s her name? e.g. what happened here?
- what typs of …? what kinds of …? are used to ask about classification. e.g. what kind of music does he listen to? e.g. what type of people read this magazine?
- ask about the time of day. e.g. what time does your flight leave? e.g. what time is the news on TV?
- ask for an opinion. e.g. what do you think of Scott Graham’s latest novel? e.g. what do you think of your new supervisor?
- ask for a general description or impression. it is also used to ask about the weather.
- ask about a person’s occupation. e.g. what does your brother do for a living?
- ask about problems. e.g. what’s the matter with Joe? e.g. what’s wrong with this microphone?
- before many nouns to ask questions. e.g. what size sweater do you wear? e.g. what sports do you enjoy? e.g. what colour is your new suit? e.g. what flavour ice cream do you want?
questions with HOW…
- ask about manner and methods. e.g. how did she get to Melbourne? e.g. how did you get in touch with Mr. Wu? e.g. how does he drive?
- ask about the general condition of someone or something. e.g. how’s your father doing? e.g. how has Ellen been ? e.g. how was dinner?
- ask about cost, amount also quantity. e.g. how much is motorcycle like that one? e.g. how much water should we bring? e.g. how many guests were at the party?
- ask for an opinion of someone or something. e.g. how did you like that new movie?
- ask for directions. e.g. how do I get to the post office from here?
- offer something to someone or to invite someone to do something. e.g. how about some water? e.g. how about coming to my place for a quick bite?
- use with adverbs and adjectives to ask about age, duration, frequency, size, distance and other characteristics. e.g. how old is Jane? e.g. how long will this session last? e.g. how often does Michelle go skilling? e.g. how far is it from Boston to Washington, D.C? e.g. how late is the store open tonight? e.g. how soon can you be here?
>>YES/NO questions
- did David attend the lecture?
- would you like to come with us?
- were you in Taipei last month?
>>other [ negative questions, tag questions, statements ]
- do you know how wrote this report ?
- do you want to play chess or checkers?
- you’ve been to Niigata before, haven’t you?
- isn’t this interesting?
- a new manager has finally been hired.
try these out:
- aren’t you coming for dinner? [A] what’s on the menu? [B] I can’t wait [C] I’m not felling hungry
- it is cold, isn’t it? [A] well, I’m still in my shorts. [B] let’s go somewhere warm. [C] i am a summer person.
- Steven has been named employee of the year. [A] he must be very happy [B] I don’t think I would make the decision. [C] what is the employee of the year?
- don’t you feel cold? [A] I’m used to it. [B] what’s the temperature today? [C] I hope the winter go away soon.
- she’s from small town in China, isn’t she? [A] a place I’ve never heard. [B] don’t you think she is Thai? [C] oh, I love Chinese culture.
- let’s order more stationary suppliers. [A] let me get you the number. [B] don’t you think we should place an order from somewhere else this time? [C] we still have some, no need to rush.
- don’t you think you shouldn’t be here? [A] I got here 15 minute already. [B]but where else should I be? [C] I don’t think so.
- we are late again, aren’t we? [A] well, tell me about it! [B]David is right behind us. [C] no one care.
- there weren’t any seat left when we arrived. [A] hurry up before too late. [B] likely [C] what time should we be there?
- Julie isn’t an accountant, is she? [A] she has not experience in accounting. [B] I believe she is working on it. [C] she joined our team last week.
>>listen carefully, especially to the first words or phrase, and pick out any key words.
>> quickly identify the type of questions[ wh-, yes/no, etc.]
>> listen carefully to each answer choice, and immediately eliminate any responses you are sure are incorrect.
part 3 : short conversation /part 4: short talks
- overview questions e.g. who are the speakers? who is the man talking to ? what is the woman’s occupation? what is the conversation about?
- detail questions e.g. how long will the promotion last? why does the man have to work late? how often are trainees assessed?
- inference questions e.g. what is the man mostly like to do next? what does the man imply …why does the many say “ are you sure about that?”
>> review the questions and any accompanying graphic. make sure you know exactly what information you need to listen for.
>> preview the answer choices. use the key information to get a general idea of the context. ask yourself : where could this be? who are the speakers? what are they talking about?
>> listen carefully to the conversation. as you listen, study the questions and answer choices, and any graphic. remember, for questions with a graphic you need to like what you hear with the information you see. eliminate any answers you are sure are incorrect.
>>as soon as the short talk finished, quickly mark any remaining answers, and move on the preview the next item.
English Accents
part 5: incomplete sentences 30 questions
part 6: text completion 16 questions
part 7: reading comprehension 54 questions.
Dependent Prepositions
prepositions +of
advantage/ awareness / cause/ combination/ danger/ effect/ example/idea/ indication/kind/knowledge/ opinion/part/ possibility/price/probability/ process/ quality/result/ source/ supply/understanding/use/ variety.
prepositions +with
appointment/agreement/contact/connection/contract/dealings/ involvement/meeting/negotiations/problem/satisfaction.
prepositions +in
belief/ change/ decrease/experience/improvement/increase/interest/ participation/rise.
prepositions +for
prepositions +to
prepositions +on
prepositions +about
information/ truth
prepositions +of
afraid/aware/capable/certain/conscious/frightened/full/ignorant/made/ proud/short/sick/sure/tired/typical
prepositions +about
anxious/careless/concerned/confused/enthusiastic/excited/happy/ optimistic/sorry.
prepositions +with
prepositions +in
disappointed/involved/interested/proficient/rich /specialised/successful
prepositions +to
accustomed/attached/essential/identical/inferior/preferable/related/ similar/superor.
prepositions +at
according to / ahead of/ along with/ because of/ be means of/ due to / in addition to / in case of/ in charge of/ in favour of/ in spite of/ in the event of / in the habit of/ instead of / on account of/ on behalf / prior to / regardless of/ thanks to / together with
word forms
adjective [-al]commercial/ influential . [-ful] dutiful, shameful [-less] thoughtless, homeless [ -ible/ able ] visible, reliable [ -ous / ious ] anxious, courageous [ -ic] scientific, metallic
verbs [ -en] strengthen, sweeten [-ise] apologise, sterilise . [ -ate] activate, commiserate [ -fy] specify, simplify
nouns [-ion] election, discussion [-ation ] information, inspiration [-ment ] employment, refreshment [-ance] appearance, acceptance [ -ity] publicity , authenticity
adverbs [-ly] busily
gerund vs. infinitive
gerund [Ving ]
- as the subject of verbs e.g. swimming is good exercise. going shopping is one of the best ways to release your stress.
- after preposition e.g. John gets his exercise by jogging. remember to brush your teeth before going to bed.
- certain verbs
infinitives [to V]
- as a subject ot show purpose e.g. she went to bank to deposit the day’s receipts. he took lessons to learn how to sing.
- after certain adjectives e.g. i’m anxious to learn. it’s good to be here.
- certain verbs
try these out :
- by [sign] ____ this contract, you are agreeing [deliver ] ____ these goods to us by the end of the month, or you risk [pay] ____ a penalty.
- the president of Pioneer Avionics decided [implement ] ____ new cost-control measures.
- I enjoy [ cook] ____ , but I dislike [ clean up] ____.
- these boots are perfect for [hike] ____.
- a sudden noise made the golfer [miss] ____ his shot.
- I need [practice]____ [speak] ____ english before travel to Australia.
- it is important [be]____ on time for your interview.
- Ben invited me [go] ____ [shop]____ with hime when I return to Taipei.
- the clerk denied [take ] ____ the money, but he could not convince the store manager [ drop] ____ the charges against him.
- when I have the mechanic [fix] ____ my brakes, I am going to get him [change] ____ my oil as well.
- Jane’s doctor tole her [stop] ____ [drink] ____ so much coffee.
- I do not have enough money [pay]____ all my bills.
- my boss lets me [work]____ at home whenever possible, and she allows me [arrange] ____ my own schedule.
- I am really looking forward to [go]____ to Mexico next month.
- I would rather [go] ____ [dance]____ than [stay ]_____ home tonight.
usage of although, even though, depsite , in spite of
>>although and even though are conjunctions. they go before a clause.
>> despite and in spite of are prepositins. they go before a noun or noun equivalent.
- [although/despite/however] the watch was expensive, he bought it.
- we went out [in spite of/ despite of/although] the rain.
- we went out [ in spite of /despite/ although] was raining.
- [although/ even though/ either could be used here ]my husband didn’t like the movie, I enjoyed it a lot.
- he passed the test [ despite/although/however], he didn’t get the job.
- they managed to do it [although/despite/however] I was not there.
- [despite/in spite/ even though] of the headache, I enjoyed the movie.
reading comprehension
types of articles:1. prose reading 2. articles 3. non-prose reading 4. advertisement 5. business correspondence 6. pair/ multipage reading.
skimming technique
vocabulary >>
Edison Medical’s 24 Sensor Infrared Cerebral Oxymeter, the second ever produced and the first to be installed in a U.S. medical facility, has completed clinical trials and is now in regular use at the Hospital of the Washington University Medical School.
the device, which has twice as many sensors as a typical oximeter, is unprecedented in its speed and accuracy in supplying brain oxygen level readings without risky and time-consuming invasive procedures; it is invaluable in determining the ideal lelvel of oxygenation in patients’ undergoing heart surgery
- where in a newspaper is this article most likely to appear? [A] the international section [B] the technology section [C] the politic section [D] the entertainment section
- what is the most outstanding feature of the technology? [A] the improved speed [B] the high precision [C] the number of sensors [D] all of the above
- when is this technology most likely to be used ? [A] during operations [B] during diagnosis [C] during recovery [D] after surgery
Grammar >>
everyone has heard that there’s no free lunch in life. there’s also no free gasoline, according to the Lubbock Better Business Bureau. the Bureau has received a series of calls from people who’ve been promised legitimate-sounding vouchers for free gas from telephone solicitors, said Julia marigolds, a spokesperson for BBB. Margolis stated that, though over 30 companies are promising the vouchers, not a single customer has actually received one.
“they told me that they would send me $200 worth of gas vouchers if I paid $2.95 for shipping and handling.” said Lubbock resident Susan Fishbine. “then they asked for my bank account number.” had Fishbine given it, Margolis said, she could have lost a lot of money.
“we’ve seen customer’s accounts debited $199, $299, even $399,” Margolis said. “but everyone who gave an account number has lost at least $100.”
4. who issued free vouchers for gasoline, accounting to the Better Business Bureau? [A] government loan programs [B] banks in Lubbock [C]telemarketing companies [D] gas companies
5. how much as Susan Fishbine’s bank account debited? [A] $299 [B]$100 [C] $399 [D]zero
6. what did the Better Business Bureau warn against? [A] disreputable banks in Lubbock [B] buying gasoline in Lubbock [C] bogus fuel vouchers [D] excessive shipping and handling charge
confusing sentence structuring >>
at Coolidge General Hospital , our staff’s goal is to gie our patients the best possible care. but sometimes thing do go wrong and we have established the CGH Complaints Procedure to use. if you have a complaint about the services or treatment you get from the Coolidge General. you have the right to make a complaint if, for any reason, you are dissatisfied with the service or treatment you have received from CGH, your complaint will be considered, and you will receive a response from CGH or the primary care practitioner involved. any patient or other person affected or likely to be affected by the actions or decisions of CGH or one of its primary care practitioners may make a complaint. a complaint may also be filed by someone acting on behalf of the patient, with the consent of the patient. complaints should normally be made within four months of the events[s] converned or you’re becoming aware that you have a problem. this time limit may be waived, at the discretion of CGH primary care practitioners or complaints mangers, if there are legitimate reasons why the complaint could not be made earlier. the first phase of the CGH complaints procedure is “Primry resolution”. your initial complaint should be made to the department or primary care practitioner that provided the service. the goal of Primary Resolution is to resolve complaints, as quickly as close to the source of the complaint as possible, using the most suitable means, for example, use of mediation.
7. who are these guidelines for ? [A] nurses and doctors [B] medical equipment suppliers [C] health care practitioners [D] patients of CGH
8. how can a patient begin a complaint? [A] by calling a toll free service number [B] by requesting a complaint form [C] by talking to the primary care practitioner [D] by enrolling in a patients support group.
9. when can a complaint be made? [A] within four weeks of an operation [B] within four months of the event of concern [C] within four years of checking out of the hospital [D] the time is not specified.
10. which statement is true regarding the CGH complaints procedure? [A] the procedure was set up by CGH staff members [B]the procedure leads to making compromised [C] the procedure is reviewed every four years. [D] the procedure describes who may make a complaint.