things you need to know about Hsinchu before moving here
- you will be defined by the area of staying . majority of population here are from out of town , staying in a rental place closes to where you work, if you fill up your postal address with a street name 關新路, it always wows people , this place holds the highest income taxes imposing islandwide so you will be considered a rich pal. another place off to the north 竹北Zhubai gives a very similar reputation with all newly built overpriced properties .
- BigCity is like largest backyard party in town on weekends. Hsinchu is moden for it’s technology living and making a lot of wealthy families with a place so called Asian-silicon valley -Science Park. unfortunately, the recreation life hasn’t quite there yet to keep up. BigCity is the largest shopping mall [there are only two ] in the town and has become an iconic place for gathering , dining and entertainment. it’s very packed on weekends and public holidays which means it’s very likely you are running to someone you know there. so let say , if you avoid someone , try not to go there on the weekends.
- it’s a Hakka culture enrich town. you might get really confused with the language you heard on the street , neither Chinese Mandarin nor Taiwanese. we have up to 70% of Hakka residents , the Hakka dialect is commonly used here, if you are into culture then you are in the right place for the unique Hakka culture and the delicacy.
- bus isn’t a good option ! don’t get me wrong, bus system is well developed and there are free shuttles in the city, you can definatly have fun bus ride to the coast line南寮 or to the central market making your shopping trip easier. it just so much convienence to get on your scooter to do so. don’t be surpise if you are the only passenger on the bus or be around by students and few seniors.
- it gets really-really windy. try not to underestimate the power of wind here, i was blew away from my direction on the 慈雲路橋[the bridge connect Hsinchu and Zhubai. the wind gets very strong in September and you would feel it the most when you are riding on the road full speed. try to keep a greater safety distance from other viechcles and slow your down when the wind cuts you out.
- hook turn is required for scooters in many major intersection, if you see a retangular land marked in white when you wish to make a left turn, then you know there is a hook turn required.
7. English road signs are rather confusing. road sign translation are found in Pin-Yin and WG. it can be hard for the first time visitors. the Chinese characters should be read yin-ger and ba-dar, just don’t trust what you hear from your GPS if you use one to guide you.
8. you don’t have to speak Chinese to stay. though we have long way to go making English as one of our official language , you still find number of people use english here , even if they don’t , you will be surprise how much locals are willing to help you out.
9. kids-friendly city. thanks for the being on the top of birth rate all over these years. there are heaps of parks with play grounds, libraraies with big selection of picture books , kids hospital, international schools , one of the best child supports in the nation. everything you need to raise your kids.