Chinese resume template — action verbs on saving company time or money


hiring managers love candidates who have helped a team operate more efficiently or cost effectively. Address the events with right terms to show just how much you saved.

  1. 減少[jiǎn shǎo]

e.g. 在三個月內我減少了5%的物料浪費 I reduced the raw material waste by 5 % within first three months.

  1. 減輕 [jiǎn qīng]

e.g. 我協助減輕同仁之間的工作量 I reduced the work loading with help of others in our team.

  1. 刪去 [Shān qù]

e.g. 工作成效之一為有效地刪去不必要的儲存閒置空間 diagnose the storage efficiency on site is one of task I have accomplished.

  1. 排除 [Pái chú]

e.g. 排除系統障礙在我的工作內容中佔了很重要的角色 one of the major task in my day to day work is to diagnose the system efficiency and problem shooting.

  1. 剔除 [Tī chú]

e.g. 我在資訊整合和剔除閒置人力資源的部分表現良好 I was credited for consolidating information and diagnosed spots where manpower can be better used.



Yu Hsiao 蕭渝儒
Yu Hsiao 蕭渝儒

Written by Yu Hsiao 蕭渝儒

public speaking coach and author of Presentation Phrases Book

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