Chinese resume template-action verbs
A job description establishes expectations and performance benchmarks. Begin writing roles and responsibilities by using action verbs to create outline that identifies and prioritizes duties of the position. I have created a list of Chinese action verbs to express what you have done.
if you were in charge of a project or initiative from start to finish , try to skip 負責 and using these in stead :
- 主導 [zhǔ dǎo]
e.g. 我主導產線的人力配置 I am in charge of the allocation of manpower and shift scheduling.
2. 督導 [dū dǎo]
e.g 我督導專案進度並即時回報客戶 I supervise the project and keep my clients posted.
3. 控管 [kònɡ ɡuǎn]
e.g. 控管部門支出是我的職責之一 one of main tasks in my day to day job is programming the team expenditure.
4. 監督 [jiān dū]
e.g. 我還要督導供應商的進貨流程 I also head the suppliers chain management.
5. 執行 [zhí xíng]
e.g. 我負責執行催款的部分 I coordinate the account receivable process.
6. 策劃 [cè huà]
e.g. 工作內容包括展會的策劃 event planning is part of the jobs I chaired.
happy job hunting