Chinese phrases on talking about place and expertises of your work
There are three phrases used to describe the term “work” in Chinese :Shàngbān「上班」, zuòshì「做事」 , gōngzuò「工作」. You can give information about the company where you work or the kind of company where you work with the sentence structure like:
I +在+company +上班/做事/工作.
1. Wǒ zài FaceBook Shàngbān. 我在Facebook上班 I work for Facebook.
2. Wǒ zài TaiPower zuòshì. 我在TaiPower 做事 I work for TaiPower.
3. Wǒ zài gōngjiā jīguān gōngzuò. 我在公家機關工作 I work for the government agencies.
If you work for a relatively unknown company, then you can use one of these phrases on the structure of 我們+V [we +V]
4. Wǒmen shēngchǎn…我們生產 we make/ manufacture …
5. Wǒmen zhìzào…我們製造 we produce …
6. Wǒmen jīngxiāo…我們經銷 we distribute/ sell …
7. Wǒmen mài…我們賣 we sell …
One very useful verb when talking about creative jobs is 做…的 Zuò…De .You could say:
8. Wǒmen zuò shèbèi de. 我們做設備的 we make equipments.
9. Wǒmen zuò guǎnggào de. 我們做廣告的 we are in advertising business.
10. Wǒ zuò shèjì de. 我做設計的 I am in the designing field.
11. Wǒ zuò xiǎo shēngyì de. 我做小生意的 I own a small business myself.