- Turn off your phone.
- Put your phone away.
- Pack your things away.
- Can you just leave your stuff there ?
5. My name is Mr/Mrs/Ms 陳, I’ll be teaching you English this semester.
6. I’m your English teacher
7. I’ve got 2 lessons with you every week.
8. Let’s being our lesson now.
9. I think it’s time to start.
10. Now we can all get down to work.
11. Is everyone ready to start?
12. Has everyone got a sheet o paper?
13. I’m waiting for everyone to be quiet.
14. Well, I won’t start until everyone is quiet.
15. Can you stop talking and be quiet?
16. Please settle down so we can start.
17. We won’t start until everyone quiets down.
18. Stop talking.
19. Please look this way.
20. Please listen to what Joe is saying.
21. Can’t you guys speak more softly?
22. No noise, please
23. I’m about to call the roll.
24. Who is absent today?
25. Who isn’t here today?
26. Why were you absent last week?
27. Does anyone know where xxx is?
28. Does anyone know what’s wrong with Joe today ?
29. Where have you been ?
30. What have you been doing?
31. Did you oversleep?
32. Don’t let it happen again.
33. Hang on a moment.
34. Can you please hold?
35. Just a second, please.
36. I’ll be with you.
37. One more thing before you go.
38. This is the homework for today.
39. Please prepare the next chapter for next week.
40. There is no homework today.
41. I need this work before Friday.
42. I expect to see your report next Monday.
43. Open your book at page 40.
44. Can anyone remember where we were last time?
45. Listen to the audio, please
46. Could you pair up, please
47. The whole class, please. I want you all to join in.
48. Can you come out and write it on the board?
49. I need everyone to get into groups of 5.
50. Could you try the next question?
51. I would like you to write this down.
52. Do you mind turn the air-con on?
53. Who would like to read?
54. Can you read this chapter, please?
55. What topic will your group report on ?
56. What is your take on this question?
57. We’ll learn how to …
58. Look at activity 1.
59. Please repeat after me.
60. Who’s next?
61. Like this, not like that.
62. We’ll leave this till next time.
63. Can you all see the board?
64. The idea of this exercise is for you to do/ follow …
65. You have 5 minutes to finish this.
66. Your time is up.
67. You need to finish this by 10 to 10.
68. Explain it in your own words.
69. It’s spelt with a capital A
70. Can anyone correct this sentence?
71. I’d like to go back to what I said …
72. What made you think that?
73. I’d like to add…
74. First/ first of all, we will start with …
75. After that/ then
76. Now, we will go on to the next page.
77. Have you all done?
78. Next one, please
79. Do you get it?
80. Are you with me?
81. Are you okay?
82. Do you understand?
83. Is this okay ?
84. What did you just say?
85. Could you please speak up?
86. Do you follow me?
87. Are you with me?
88. Whose turn is it to read?
89. Which question are you on ?
90. Who hasn’t answered yet?
91. Let me explain what I want you to do next.
92. Have you found the place?
93. Do you have any questions?
94. Now, I’m going to ask you some questions.
95. Who knows the answer?
96. Use a full sentence please.
97. Could you repeat that, first listen, and then repeat after me.
98. Give me some more examples, please.
99. could you go over this part with your own words?
100.Joe, can you read the next sentence,
101.Look at exercise one, can you read the instructions, please?
102.I’m ready, may I go first?
103.Can I go out?
104.Can I take/answer this question ?
105.What page are we on ?
106.Can I open the window/
107.Can we leave now?
108.Ms/ Sir, could you please repeat that?
109.I wasn’t listen, could you please say it again?
110.I am sorry, I didn’t hear that.
111. Can you explain it once more, please?
112.What is the homework?
113.Do we have to write this down
114.Sorry , I’m late/ for being late.
115.Can I come in ?
116.Is thing right/ correct?
117.Which chapter?
118.When is the exam?
119.When is the homework for?
120.I have done this.
121.Can I pull up/pulldown the blinds?
122.I need some help here.
123.Can I change seats?
124.When is the homework due?
125.Can I go to the toilet ?
126.How should I pronounce this word?
127.How do you spell “…”?
128.I didn’t understand today’s lesson.
129.I don’t understand the homework.
130. That’s interesting points.
131. Don’t worry about it.
132.That’s okay, I’m sure you’ll do better next time.
133.I’m really impressed, I know you could do it.
134.Have a go!
135.Excellent! Well done! Great work!
136.Have another try !
137.That’s much better! You’re making a huge improving.
138. It will get better from time to time practice.
139.You need to stop making excuses.
141. Not really
142.Not exactly
143.Why don’t you have another try?
144.You can’t use the word here
145.I’m afraid you can’t say that.
146.Good try, but not quite right.
147.Unfortunately not what we’re looking for here.
148.It depends.
149.That’s much better
150.In a way, may be
151.Sort of , yes
152.That’s more like it.
153. It might be, I suppose
154.That’s a lot better.
155.That’s much better.
157.Great stuff!
158.Well done.
159.That’s it.
160.Yes, you’ve got it.
161.I like that.
162.You did a great job.
163.Terrific !
164.Quite right.
165.You’re on the right track.
166.There’s no hurry.
167.There’s no need to rush
168.We have plenty of time.
169.Have a guess.
170.Why don’t you have a guess.
171.That’ almost it.
172.You’re halfway there.
173.You’ve almost got it.
174. You were almost right.
175. The bell hasn’t gone yet.
176.The lesson doesn’t end till 10 to 10.
177.Hang on a minute.
178.We seem to have finished late.
179.Just a minute , please
180.There are still 3 pages to go.
181.One more thing before we go.
182. We still have a couple of minutes left. Let’s make the best of it.
183.Your watch must be fast!
184.We’ve run out of time.
185. The bell hasn’t gone yet.
186. Put your textbook away, please
187.Sit quietly until the bell goes.
188.Joe, you have to stay 10 more minutes.
189.Can you back to your place, please
190.Please stay where you are.
191.Let’s stop now.
192.I’m afford it’s time to finish now.
193. We’ll have to stop here.
194.There’s the bell. It’s time to stop.
195.Collect your work please.
196.One minute to finish that activity, it’s nearly time to go.
197.Try not to make any noise as you leave.
198.Everyone outside!
199.All of you leave the room!
200.Leave your bag at the back of the room.
201.Be quiet as you leave. Others are still working.
202.That’s all for today, I’ll see you again next week.
203.See yo in the room 205 after the break.
204.You may go now.
205.You can leave, the class dismissed
206.That’s all for today, you can leave now.
207.I’ll be back in a minute.
208.Carry on with the reading while I’m away.
209.I’ve got to go next door for a second.210. We’ll finish this exercise next time.
211.We’re going to continue with this tomorrow.