free walking tour 是在導覽結束之後遊由旅客自由給予小費的城市散步導覽,旅客和導遊間並無任何紙本合約。少了定型化契約的約束,好處是不需保險,不用負擔旅客的人身安全等責任; 壞處是不知道會有幾個旅客參加導覽行程。因此相較於其他的付費行程導遊的自我介紹在長度上會不同於團體旅遊班精簡,需要豐富的內容吸引周遭的行人駐足。
名字的部分盡可能表達得讓人印象深刻,諧音,小名只要方便記憶就好 ,你不會希望整的旅程都被Miss或是excuse me 取代吧。
a. good afternoon, my name is …
b. hello all, I’m your tour-guide for today…
c. let me introduce myself, my name is xxx
d. I’m xxx, your guide for this tour.
e. dear guests, let me introduce myself…
a. I’m from out of town and came here for study …
b. I was born and raised here…
c. my first visit to this town back to … and after that…
d. after leaving school, I worked xxx and that’s how I started to …
a. we will going to make 4 stops
b. the tour takes about 2 hours …
c. I’ll try to manage it under 2 hours time…
d. we’ll try to maximum the time we stay in xxx
e. if there is sometime left after tour, you might consider to …
很多歐美旅客不知道這邊的自來水無法生飲,我們也無從知道對方是不是剛入境? 是否被告知過?行進間小心來車。。。等等 這些我們認為常識的小提醒,通常能夠有效地減少旅程間非必要的停頓。
a. the tap water here is undrinkable …
eg. the tap water here is undrinkable, you can get bottle water easily from any of convenience stores.
b. please watch out where are you going…
eg. please watch out where are you going, we’re about to pass a very narrow alley…
c. please watch out the coming vehicles
eg. please watch out the coming vehicles. cars and scooters won’t normally stop for you…
d. toilet paper & tissue paper
e.g. you’re like to use a toilet with no toilet paper offered. please bring your own…
e. stay hydrated
e.g. we’ll be under the summer heat for about 2 hours, it’s very important to keep yourself hydrated.
f. dismiss point
e.g. the tour will be ended at our last stop the City God Temple, we won’t be coming back here, please check your belonging before we go.
a. we’re at our last stop…
e.g. we’re at our last stop, and we’ve seen the highlights of this city has to offer, I hope you find the trip is knowledgeable and enjoyable…
b. the tour will be ended here…
e.g. well, I hope you find the trip is knowledgeable, we’ve seen the highlights of the city in these 2 hour and I’m afraid the tour will be ended here.
c. xxx is our last destination of this walking tour.
e.g. we’ve just covered most of the history and architectural highlights , the City God Temple is our last destination of this walking tour and for who wish to go back to where we started the tour can take 中正路 and make a turn on …
e. we have one more stop to go and it will be called off the day.
e.g. we have one more stop to go , the City god Temple, the most popular tourism spot and you might want to stay there after the tour for some local taste…
模板內容主要依據新竹舊城區的散步導覽為思考主軸。Hsinchu Free Walking Tour 以新竹車站為出發點,沿途導覽迎曦門,新竹州廳,消防博物館,終點為新竹百年都城煌廟。導覽時間約2.5小時左右。free walking tour 的導覽模式在北部/南部都已漸成熟,大部分的外國旅客對這種自由地參與的旅遊模式也有一定的熟悉程度。稍作調整也可以運用在其他團體旅遊或是考試院的外語導遊口試中。