今天分享論文的架構和常見的片語.套用現成的句子是最速成的方式. 可以在時間限制內完成理想的寫作篇幅.
以我比較常接觸的雅思來說: writing type 2就是簡單的論文模式. 通常我會建議同學分為四段就好, 不用比照托福分為5段.
引言【題目換句話說+你的個人立場agreeing/ disagreeing 】
It is true that
It is clear that
It is noticeable that
It is undeniable that…
It is often said that
It is a well-known fact that
One of the most sticking features of this is…
The first thing that needs to be said/ mentioned/ looked into is…
Let us try to analyse…
One argument in support of +題目
An important aspect of the text is…
It is worth stating at this point that…
排序 【這邊的用法比較不適用一班的firstly, secondly 來當段落的起始句.比較適合使用在第一段連結下段使用】
As a first/ second/ final point, …
If one the one hand it can be said that… the same is not true for…
The first argument suggests that… whilst the second suggests that…
That are at least … point to highlight.
第二段/ 第三段使用的句型有:
Doubtless, …
One connot deny that…[請不要使用縮寫can’t]
It is very clear from these observations that…
We/ I personally believe that…
My own point of view is that…
It is my contention that…
I am convinced that…
According to some crities…
Believe that…
…point out that
…argue for this
…emphasize that
To illustrate, …
To paraphrase, …
Furthermore, one should not forget that…
In addition to …
In other words, …
It is important to add that…
Nevertheless, one should adept that…
However, we also agree that…
The last example highlights the fact that…
We would even go this far to say that…
Perhaps we should also point out the fact…
It would be unfair not to mention that fact that…
One must admit that…
We cannot ignore the fact that…
One cannot possible accept the fact that…
Come critics suggest…, whereas others…
Compared to …
Just as …
In the same way…
Similar to [千萬別誤寫成similar with]
On the one hand there is the firm belief that…. On the other hand, many people are convinced that …
From these facts, one may conclude that…
That is the evidences, in our opinion…
Which seems to confirm the idea that…
Thus, …/ therefore, …
What conclusions can be drawn from all this?
The most satisfactory conclusion that we can come to is…
We are convinced that…
We have to accept that…
From these arguments one must/could/ might conclude that…
All of these points to the conclusion that…
最後提醒大家”善用”模板而非”死用” 選擇比較貼近自己平常用語的句子. 重新調整一下連接詞,不要一味選擇極度艱難的句型,單字.
能當監評,考官,都不是第一天出來混的.文字用法差距太大,很容易被一眼識破的.這個版本雅思6–7分都夠用,辦公室寫年度報告/部門檢討很夠用,博班論文的你… this is just a begining…